
After almost a decade of working at Turtl – initially as a senior software developer and more recently as Head of Customer Engineering, overseeing several teams and functions – I have decided to start a new project. I am grateful for the opportunities that allowed me to learn how to build products and achieve a level of financial freedom, enabling me to start something which feels like a passion project.

Read on if you're curious what is…

Six years in retrospect: PhD, Work, Life, Loss, and a 100K challenge

It feels odd to share personal stories on a platform where I typically write about web technology. On the other hand, the very first entry on this website was a very personal one. And where else would one jot down thoughts had they wish to revisit them in a decade and think to themselves, "What an idiot was I?" if it wasn't for the web?

– Written in September 2021, published two years later.

Slovenia CSS User Group

In February, I formed a meetup, Slovenia CSS User Group. We’ve had two meetups so far (#1, #2), where we featured four fantastic speakers: … and we’ll continue with that pace.
If you are in the surrounding area, do not hesitate to drop by.
(Photo courtesy of Marin Mešter)

Formatting CSS

The following article represents my preferences regarding formatting CSS (in a large web applications).

Combining CSS Selectors

This article describes all current techniques for combining CSS selectors. Some widly used, other seldom, but also few new, from CSS Level 4 Specification (currently unstable working draft) that are not yet supported in any modern browser. This article gives you a vague idea about how to combine CSS selectors and how this is going to be possible in the future.

The Power of Mobile Sensors in Rich Media Mobile Advertising

I was an invited lecturer at the European COST FP1104 event.
My talk was titled The Power of Mobile Sensors in Rich Media Mobile Advertising .
Other inspiring lecturers among many others were:

Check out my presentation here.

With a little help from pseudo-selectors.

This article was translated into russian language and published as Полезные псевдо-селекторы on Frontender Magazine (@frontenderinfo).
There are plenty of lesser known CSS (pseudo-)selectors available to help you write cleaner HTML structure. This not only reduces the number of classes you have to use in your HTML, but in some cases also diminish or abolish the logic required to determine whether certain element needs a particular class or not (i.e. it is the only element, attribute contains certain string etc.). And in some cases the latter also means dynamically writing to DOM, which we know is bad for performance.

The path you would choose

I recently stumbled upon a set of question regarding your life-path, which I have kept for years in my memory box. They were given to me a couple of years ago from a person I admire, somewhere at the starting point of my career. This is what everyone should ask themselves from time to time…

A modern Webmaker

I talked at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering about former students, now employed at succesful companies (introduced: Celtra, Zemanta and Astina). My talk was about technologies (html, css, javascript and server-side tecnohlogies), tools (browsers, text-editors, libraries, frameworks), setting up your workspace and a little bit about building your career and making yourself useful.

CSS Flexbox

This article is about CSS Flexible Box Layout model, which is, without a shadow of a doubt, among the most desired CSS features to be implemented into browsers when it comes to layout. It is the latest addition to layout models and will perform especially good when combined with media queries in order to produce responsive web designs for multiple screen sizes.

Responsive Web Design in Slovenia

This article is about responsive web design and development in Slovenia. This goes either for Slovene websites or websites build by slovene authors. The article contains a collection of websites using media queries and responsive web design.

CSS Regions

This article is about the CSS regions model which allows content to flow across multiple areas called regions. This is an advanced content flow mechanism, which can be combined with other properties to arbitrary position the regions where content flows. The article also contains a set of live (spoiler alert: only one (bad one!), others are just image) examples of how regions works should work.

CSS Multiple Columns

This article is about CSS Multi-column Layout module which allows content to flow into multiple columns with a gap and a rule between them. There is also a short list of websites that are currently using multiple columns in their layout.

On how to regularly use regular expressions.

This article is about implementation of regular expressions in everydays data-text manipulation. It contains a very usefull 'cheat sheet' and some daily tasks which can get time-reduced by applying some basic regular expression techniques.

From Ljubljana to Krk. With bike.

This article is about my bike ride from Ljubljana to Krk.
Because "Things you don't do are difficult and things you've done are easy." (Joe Armstrong)